Need / Demand
Votorantim Cimentos, in Itaú de Minas – MG, needed to measure the mass of material passed on a conveyor belt. This belt, specifically, has always had many problems with conventional scale systems, due to load cells, generating the need for very frequent calibration intervention, in addition to poor accuracy due to its inclination. Four different types of material are conveyed through this system.
LLK was challenged to develop a system without contact with the conveyor with at least 5% accuracy.
Development / Solution:
To propose an efficient solution, LLK used a camera with an embedded system for dimensional analysis. The system is installed on the conveyor and is capable of measuring the total volume and the instantaneous flow of material passed on the belt. The system also has automated calibration via an intuitive operator interface via HMI and SCADA systems. During operation and for calibration there are no direct interventions on the belt.
The system showed excellent results, meeting the precision established by Votorantim Cimentos. This volumetric level measurement system, extending to volumetric flows, generated a product made available to the market in 2016, called LLK Volumetric Scale. The same concept can be applied to the measurement of ores in general, lump and bulk, organic or not.
There are already open projects to replicate the same at the Fospar/Mosaic fertilizer port and also at GERDAU.